Five Weeks Later

I arrived in New York last month. Moved into my new flat from which I'm very lucky to have the most wonderful view of Manhattan, New York (the only downside being the cockroaches in the kitchen). I've started my new job at a law firm in Downtown Manhattan which specialises in insurance law. I have made new friends, upset my flatmate (I plan to say sorry with pizza and beer) and completed a walk for cancer last weekend in Central Park. I have been to the BB King Blues Club and Times Square, a comedy show (which wasn't very funny) and have generally just had a nice time. I have of course been shopping in New York which is an interesting experience. I wish I had more money... the Armani shop always looks so enticing. I did splurge a little and got myself a cute vintage handbag. I have had brunch and am trying to plan what to do about a halloween costume. I need to make plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I have caught a cold or something and not feeling well which is why I've finally found the time to update this blog. I'll try to make more time for this, I promise.


p.s. The view from my window >>>

I'm off to New York!!!

The Mountbatten Internship Programme is due to start soon... with the majority of interns flying out on the 5th September 2010. I'll be joining the others on 16th September as I was placed just last week (since interviews for the legal placements started a bit later). I'm glad I have a  few more (unexpected) days in the UK to say goodbye to my loved ones, friends and London.

I had about 4 interviews in total with the first three roles being in law firms but the roles were extremely admin-based. My final interview was with a law firm offering me the position of a Legal Assistant with a job description that more closely matched the type of work I was looking for and the attorney I spoke to had a great sense of humour! After speaking to me for a few minutes, he asked me to pick three words to describe myself. I chose to describe myself as ambitious, hard-working and determined. When he asked me if I had any questions... I decided to ask him what his three words would be (and regretted it immediately)! However he laughed and went with it and his three words were intelligent, thorough and modest. Ha! This was my favourite interview so far... and I was simply myself. I was offered the job five hours  later and I accepted! Everything was confirmed by the lovely people at the London office the morning after and it was only then I realised I wasn't dreaming!

Preparing for my visa appointment was a complete nightmare. And the amount of waiting I had to do at the US Embassy was ridiculous... but the procedure was straightforward and the people at the Embassy were great! For some reason, I'd gone expecting an intense interrogation. My visa was granted on the spot and there were no questions, requests for further information and no difficult questions. I came home and booked my flights the very same day.

I can't believe its actually happening.

I'm really going to New York! Yaay!